Algumas pérolas de uma série fantástica...

"I’ll get the speech about how wonderful I am. Basic rule, isn’t it? More wonderful you are at the start of the speech, the more dumped you are at the end. "
"I don’t want to look great. I want to look thin."
"It’s always scary when you see that final corner approaching, isn’t it? And you’re thinking: did I touch his thigh often enough? Did I stare at his mouth long enough? Did I flick my hair too much?… Yeah, I used to over-flick. So easy to cross the line between suggesting flirtatious and approachable, and suggesting there’s something living in your ear."
"It’s not genetically possible for men to have opinions about fabric. "
"Let me explain, Patrick. Here on earth there is a gap between seeing someone you like and having sex with them, that we like to call conversation. "
"I really quite like being single. Except for the bit about not having a man. "
"He works in pizza delivery, which just answers all your prayers, doesn’t it? Man, motorbike, has own food! "
4:13 da tarde
Bem...colocares-me aí no meio do Markl e dos gatos fedorentos...é sem duvida dos melhores elogios que já recebi na vida!
Muito obrigado pelo link e obrigado por me leres.