Musics that I really like...
Music as always been a good company, whether it's raining or it's sunny, whether I feel like crying or laughing. I like all sorts of songs and artists, as you can see by my blog. I'm always pleased when a friend introduces me to a song I didn't know and the pleasure is even greater when I "fall in love" with the song and the artist. That happened to me last week when I was introduced to the John Butler Trio. There is a rythm, a feeling in his songs... it's amazing. I definitely "fell in love" with this artist and this song. Thank you my companion of sin for this great gift, I was definitely surprised ;).
Here's the video of "Company Sin" by the John Butler Trio... and it even has a "storytelling" moment!
Here's the video of "Company Sin" by the John Butler Trio... and it even has a "storytelling" moment!
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