Sweet David again...
Well, yesterday I tried to place here 2 posts but they didn't work very well, let's see if this time things work properly. It was 5 am and I was really tired, the only solution I found was to erase them both. The posts had videos of sweet David and his beautiful songs, one called "Hold still" (whose lyrics are on a June post) and the other one is called "Who are you". Let's see how this works today... maybe blogger will be behave :).
So, here it is the video for Hold still...
So, here it is the video for Hold still...
4:08 da tarde
Olá Vera! Obrigado pela atenção ao meu estado de graça! É um estado que tem mais graça nuns dias do que noutros...
Gosto muito do David e gosto muito deste album, das músicas todas e nunca tinha visto este clip. Obrigado e uma beijoca grande