Há músicas que me tiram do sério...(Parte X) e o doce David!

Quem me conhece há já algum tempo, sabe que eu gosto muito de ouvir o David Fonseca. Gostei dele nos Silence 4, gostei do primeiro cd a solo e estou a gostar dos singles deste último álbum. Foi por tudo isto e porque acabei de ouvir esta música linda linda, que decidi colocar aqui a letra...

Hold still

In this little town
cars they don't slow down
The lonely people here
They throw lonely stares
Into their lonely hearts

I watch the traffic lights
I drift on Christmas nights
I wanna set it straight
I wanna make it right
But girl you're so far away

Oh, hold still for a moment and I'll find you
I'm so close, I'm just a small step behind you girl
And I could hold you if you just stood still

I jaywalk through this town
I drop leaves on the ground
But lonely people here
Just gaze their eyes on air
And miss the autumn roar
I roam through traffic lights
I fade through Christmas nights
I wanna set it straight
I wanna make it right
But man you're so far away

Oh, I'll hold still for a moment so you'll find me
You're so close, I can feel you all around me boy
I know you're somewhere out there
I know you're somewhere out there

Oh, hold still for a moment and I'll find you
You're so close, I can feel you all around me
And I could hold you if you just stood still

Oh, I'll hold still for a moment so you'll find me
I'm so close, I'm just a small step behind you
I know you're somewhere out there
I know you're somewhere out there
I know you're somewhere out there

Composição: Little David Boy

Ainda por cima a letra é... linda e inspiradora!
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